2008年12月28日 星期日

館藏發展 11/25 上課心得

*印度 阮加那桑
圖書館學五律 冒號分類法(理論最完備)

*圖書館學五律:(阮加那桑 1931)
書貴為用(Books are for use)
書為人而設(Books are for all)
讀者有書(Every book its reader)
節省讀者的時間(Save the time of reader)
圖書館是一成長的有機體(Library is a growing organism)

*(Retting 1992)
讀者有其自由 (Every reader his freedom)

圖書館為全人類服務而存在(Library serve humanity)
知識傳遞多面性(Respect all forms by which Knowledge is communicated)
捍衛知識近用權(Protect free access to knowledge)
善用科技提升服務品質(Use technology intelligently to enhanced service)
眺望過去、展望未來(Honor the past and create the future)

*網頁五律:(Alireza Noruzi 2004)
Web resources are for use.
Every user has his or her web resource.
Every web resource its user.
Save the time of the user.
The web is a growing organism.
